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Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Wow! I can’t believe it is August 2010 and I haven’t submitted an article on my own blog since January. Quite a few exciting things have occurred since then. This past Spring I completed all of the required courses to become a Commissioned Lay Pastor. July 28th was the one year anniversary of my heart attack. My son Raymond got married in February. My wife, Dora retired July 9th. Kairos Outside NYC had its Weekend #2 in July. I finished writing a book. And more.
As far as becoming a Lay Pastor is concerned, I presented my Statement of Faith to the Committee on Preparation for Lay Ministry. Remaining requirements are an examination by that committee, examinations by the Committee on Ministry and by the Presbytery. Then I can be commissioned to pastor one of our congregations or assist a pastor in a congregation.

The heart attack anniversary passed uneventful. Praise God! I’ve been watching my diet (haven’t tasted ice cream). I go for a brisk walk most mornings and Dora and I recently joined Silver Sneakers.

Raymond and Nikki’s wedding was televised on TLC’s “Four Weddings.” (Wedding Pictures) The wedding was held at Emmanuel Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY on February 22, 2010 and was televised on TLC in March. My new daughter-in-law was competing with three other brides. They had to vote on each other’s wedding in several categories. We won. That is, Ray and Nikki won. They won a week at an all-inclusive resort on Grand Cayman Island in the Caribbean (More wedding pictures).

* Hats off to Raymond for another accomplishment ... Raymond graduated from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University with his Master of Social Work degree on July 22, 2010.  Congratulations Raymond S. Johnson, MSW.

Dora retired July 9th. It’s taking some getting used to by both of us. I’ve been retired for five and a half years. We have been busy. There’s no rocking in the rocking chair around here.

Both of us served on the Kairos Prison Ministry Weekend, Kairos Outside NYC #2. That was the weekend of July 16, 17 & 18, 2010. Dora was music director for the weekend. KO NYC is a Christian ministry for women whose lives have been impacted by incarceration. The ministry team consists of about thirty women and 6 men. The men prepare and serve the meals and pray. There are approximately twenty-four guests on the weekend. Several women on the ministry team give talks and meditations on various topics. The men are in another room praying during the talks.

We attended the Dyson Family Reunion in Petersburg, VA the weekend of July 23, 24 & 25, 2010. That's Dora's family on her mother's side. Her mother, Vivian (Mary Vivian Dyson Robinson), is the matriarch of the family and her uncle, Joseph Dyson, is the patriarch. It was a wonderful gathering. Family members came from all over the country and Toronto, Canada.

I finished a book I’ve been writing for over a year. I finally sent the manuscript to a publisher two weeks ago. The book is a humorous memoir about my father. It’s not very long and I hope a few folks will enjoy it. Now I can get back to the blog and other things.

Watch for the book later this year. I’ll send out announcements via email, snail mail, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Can I have a book signing at your place? I told the publisher that I was originally looking to present something for family members to enjoy. I also wanted to create something for our children and grandchildren to cherish. If there is even a modicum of commercial success, I’ll be greatly surprised. What’s the title? It might change, but right now it’s, “Fools Never Raise Their Thoughts So High.” That’ll keep you guessing for a while.

It’s good to be back on the block. Thank you for checking in and God bless you. <>
*Added 8/15/2010


Anonymous said...

Uncle Bob it sounds like life is treatin gyou well. I look forward to reading your book. We could always do a book signing/family reunion here idn GA. I'd be glad to host it.
Congratulations on becoming a lay pastor. It seems ministry just flows through our family genes.

G. HUBBARD said...

LAY PASTORS how about our free to all program that inspires all to talk daily with the Lord on life concerns. then our gree to use non commercially song lyrics with your music SPREAD THE WORD TALK WITH THE LORD PLUS our many blog posts are being used as sermon themes free lyrics g. hubbard p.o. box 2232 ponte vedra fl 32004 bloh

CoCo said...

Hello and Happy New Year to you and your family! I caught the end of the TLC episode that your "daughter-in-love" was on, but I missed the segment that showed her ceremony. Do you know if there is any video of it available online? I did a quick google search and couldn't find any video, but I did find your blog. You have a beautiful family!