Have you ever wanted to have a financial expert with you at the interview who could explain to the church's search committee or your current church how they could enhance your financial security and other benefits without it costing additional money? Then THE PASTOR'S RED BOOK: What You Need to Know Before and After You Interview with That Church, is for you.
The book was written to encourage new and experienced pastors
when they negotiate compensation including benefits and other perquisites to which they are entitled. The Red Book helps them with the challenges of dealing with the four types of church givers and what they need to know about the givers. The Red Book has advice for women and shares two ideas I think Christian churches and pastors need to seriously consider: (1) Baptizing or dedicating babies is okay but focus on immersion baptism of adults and teenagers, and (2) Evaluating your relationship with the LGBTQIA community. Church leaders need to know this too.
Lloyd retired after 40 years in the financial services industry as a financial advisor and insurance agent. In retirement he joined the faculty of Presbyterian CREDO. It's a spiritual and educational program sponsored by The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). For nine years Lloyd counseled over five-hundred pastors on their personal finances during eight-day conferences twice a year. During the conference they also examined their spiritual life, vocational life, and personal and emotional health.
During a recent six-year period, Lloyd served as liaison to nine churches while serving on the Committee on Ministry of the Presbytery of New York City. Several of the churches were searching for a pastor and it was Lloyd's task to usher them through the process. Serving on the committee also gave him the opportunity to interview pastors and candidates before ordination and/or installation. All of this was a real learning experience and a help in writing this book.
The Pastor's Red Book is a short read that packs a ton of information in just twenty-one pages. It is available in Kindle/eBook and paperback formats at amazon.com. It's a red book so that you would find in easily if you misplaced it at your home of office.
Lloyd is also the author of Fools Never Raise Their Thoughts So High and Giving Time.